
this issue happens when you finish connecting your Twilio account to your Project in Jira Service Management, you text the number and you don't receive a new ticket in Jira.


The number used in the configuration is the wrong one, the number entered in the configuration page should be the sandbox number. where you set theĀ  HTTP POST calls.


The below steps are for testing purposes, where we are using the test WhatsApp sandbox provided by Twilio

If you have a subscription with Twilio, you can find your number under WhatsApp SendersĀ 

Note: If you have a valid WhatsApp phone number the page will appear like below

Go to your sandbox where you set your HTTP POST call and get the phone number of the sandbox.

then go to your project settings and link Twilio account and add the number above in the Twilio phone number then continue with your settings and then text the entered mobile phone and you'll receive a ticket in Jira.

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