We're excited to announce the latest release of our GTJ Jira Connector, which is packed with new features and bug fixes to enhance your Jira experience.

New Features

  • Multiple Accounts Support: Seamlessly switch between different instances, and manage various Jira accounts within the app.


  • Email-to-Issue Linking: You can now easily link an email to an existing Jira ticket.


  • Default Issue Type Selection: When creating a new issue, if there's only one issue type available, it will be automatically selected for convenience.

Bug Fixes

  • Mobile Connectivity: We've addressed issues that prevented the app from connecting to Jira on mobile devices.
  • Back Button Functionality: The back button behavior has been improved to ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Corrupted Project Icons: We've fixed a bug that caused some project icons to display incorrectly.
  • Performance Optimization: We've optimized the app's performance to reduce page loading times and improve overall responsiveness.

We hope these enhancements will further improve your workflow and productivity. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

We hope you enjoy the update! Let us know what you think by leaving a review here.

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