Enhance customer support experiences with the latest WhatsApp Connector for Jira update, featuring a customizable WhatsApp bot for convenient Jira Service Management interactions.
The new feature lets you deploy a customizable WhatsApp bot to streamline your customer support workflows.
Additional New Features:
Mention User feature:
Whenever an agent mentions another Jira user in a Jira project, the name of that user will be displayed in WhatsApp for the client. Below is a demonstration:
Emojis feature:
Emojis are now supported while messaging, both from Jira to WhatsApp and from WhatsApp to Jira. Any user can now use emojis while messaging. Below is a demonstration:
Location feature:
Location is now supported while messaging, whenever a user sends a location from WhatsApp to Jira, the location will be converted to a Google Maps link that would redirect to the corresponding location. Below is a demonstration:
Contacts feature:
Sharing contacts is now supported, whenever a user sends a contact attachment from WhatsApp to Jira, the contact will be added as an attachment in Jira. Below is a demonstration:
Text Formatting:
Many new text formats are now supported, like bullet lists, ordered lists, code, quote, strikethrough, monospace and others! Below is a demonstration: