What does Microsoft Outlook for Jira COM Addin consist of?

  1. Frontend App that the user interacts with
  2. Backend App that the Frontend App interacts with to get data from Jira

The COM add-in operates solely within your network. It establishes a direct connection between your Outlook and your Jira instance.

How does the COM Add-in connect with Jira?

As per the diagram above it works as below

1- The frontend of the application initiates a call to the backend, ex: http://localhost:[appport]/serverInfo

2- The backend then connects with Jira using API Token Auth in the case of Jira Cloud, ex: https://youCompanyJira.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/serverInfo

3- Jira will process the API call and return the response to the backend

4- The backend will validate the response and return it to the frontend

Why are there connections between Jira Cloud & Infosysta Servers (Points 5 & 6)?

Infosysta Servers hosts the cloud version of Microsoft Outlook for Jira, which is a Jira app built using Atlassian Connect framework for more details you can visit this link

5- Jira Cloud requests pages, sections added by the app in Jira itself (as configuration pages in manage apps)

6- MOTJ Jira Addon hosted on Infosysta Servers responds back with the relevant response using JWT authentication (Atlassian Auth for Jira Cloud Apps)

Examples of such pages and sections are the Getting Started page and Analytics Configuration section

Why are there connections between COM Addin & Infosysta Server (Points 7 & 8)

These connections are needed to validate the app license and to make use of our Jira addon-specific features

7- COM Addin initiates a request to check app license for example using API Token Auth

8- MOTJ Jira Addon hosted on Infosysta Servers will return the needed response

What data is stored on Infosysta servers?

Jira Cloud URLUsed to identify users and connect
Jira Issue IdNeeded to show the list of emails related to specific tickets
Outlook Conversation IdNeeded to show the list of Jira issues related to specific email
Outlook From EmailUsed to load tickets linked previously to specific client

Our app utilizes user analytics to help us understand app usage patterns, identify the most frequently used features, and track user interactions within the app.

For analytics, we use MixPanel, a tool similar to Google Analytics. If you prefer not to participate, you can easily opt-out by deactivating analytics in the add-on settings. For detailed steps, please refer to this link.

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