
To get started, you first need to add Jira Plugin for Outlook add-in to your Outlook.

Quick Steps

Step #Action
1Click on Get Add-ins

Search for Jira Plugin for Outlook


Click on Add button


You have successfully added the app, the next step is to activate your license 

You can now browse the app as a guest, but you will need to activate your license to be able to create tickets and make use of the features of 'Microsoft Outlook for Jira'.

If the add-on doesn't show in Outlook, please restart Outlook and try again.

Additional Links:

  • If your admin already added the app from the marketplace, you can skip the second step and continue from here, to connect and login.
  • If Microsoft Outlook for Jira is already set-up and connected to your Jira instance, skip to our user guide.

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